Quarantine, Shutdown and podcasts

As everyone else in the world likes to say, Due to Covid shipping may be delayed, inventory shortages may occur, etc… well, due to Covid, my blog has been in limbo for quite sometime. With the parks shutting down in March of 2020 and Disneyland opening up last month (for CA residents only, which I am not) the magic is seeping back into my life. I actually was able to visit Disneyworld in October 2020 and in January 2021 and my daughters and I experienced Touch of Disney in March 2021. So, even though my park experiences haven’t been the same as they were pre-Covid, they are starting to come back and I have been inspired to start posting some of my favorite unseen magic.

I recorded my first ever podcast today with Melissa at Mix In Some Magic. She was delightful and eased my nerves, but I am not going to lie, my hands were shaking for about 15 minutes after it was over! I am not usually a nervous person. Speaking in front of people doesn’t bother me and I absolutely love talking about Disney so I am not sure why I was a bundle of nerves. Hopefully it doesn’t come across that way in the podcast! Talking with Melissa and sharing unseen magic that she, as a park expert, wasn’t aware of, made me realize I’ve got something special here. I have an abundance of knowledge of unseen magic in the parks, mostly Disneyland and DCA but I have been starting to gather WDW info as well. She said, “you should write a book”, “you should give tours” basically you need to shout from the rooftops that you have Disney info that people need to know. So thank you for the inspiration Melissa.

So here I am, starting the blog up again. If there hadn’t been a quarantine, if the parks hadn’t shut down and if I hadn’t done the podcast I don’t think I’d be here today clicking on my keyboard ready to share unseen magic with you all.