Karen and I both have a deep love for the American flag and what it represents. Our patriotic spirit runs deep within our souls. We both have family members that have served or are currently serving our country in the military. I, Mylee, first noticed this emotional connection to the flag while I was in high school. The high school I attended has a tradition of staying silent after The Star Spangled Banner is sung, unlike most other events, where the crowd cheers loudly after. I appreciate people showing their emotions through clapping and cheering too, but the silence and reverence after always tugs at my heartstrings. I still remain quiet, no matter where I am, and reflect on the blessings I have in my life because of this great country we live in. I know our country isn’t perfect. I know there are people who want their voices to be heard, so they choose not to stand while the anthem is sung. Our country is based on freedoms and no one should be forced to stand for the flag. Because of the events leading up to the establishment of our flag and our national anthem, we have the freedoms we enjoy every day.
Every day, there is a flag retreat ceremony. The time varies depending upon the sunset but it’s somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. I’ve seen this listed on the entertainment schedule over the years as we’ve visited the parks but we were always on a mission to ride as many rides as possible. We missed out on this unseen magic. Last year, after we became annual pass holders, I was determined to be a part of this event! I was not disappointed. I made the decision to see this at least once every trip and so far I have.
On our last trip to Disneyland, Karen, and my daughter, Tenley, and I spent some time at the circle on Main Street, U.S.A, watching the flag retreat ceremony. It was scheduled to start at 4:30 pm and we sauntered down to the circle to find a spot. Arriving about 20-30 minutes before it is scheduled to begin should enable you to find a bench or a railing to sit on. There will be cast members milling about letting you know what places are available to sit. They have to keep certain areas clear for the marching band and the veterans and service members. The marching band makes it way down main street towards the flag circle and settles in at the bottom of the circle. There is narration that plays through the loudspeakers and the band plays a few patriotic songs while the Dapper Dans sing along. The band then plays the anthem of each branch of the military and any members of that branch are invited to stand around the flag. It is a sobering experience to witness retired and active military members approach the flag, many saluting and singing their song as they stand and gaze at the flag. After each branch is presented, they invite everyone to sing the National Anthem and God Bless America together. The flag is taken down and folded and the band retreats. It is short and sweet, lasting about 20-25 minutes. There is a camaraderie felt as you stand around the flag and sing the national anthem with a group of strangers. You will leave with a spring in your step and an increased feeling of patriotism.

As far as unseen magic goes, this is at the top of the list for us. We both feel like we don’t have enough opportunities in our lives to participate in patriotic ceremonies like this. We don’t get to sing our national anthem often enough. Taking the time out of our day, while we are fortunate enough to be at a Disney park, to participate in the flag retreat ceremony is a wonderful way to express our gratitude for the freedoms we have. If you’ve experienced this event we encourage you to continue to participate and share it with everyone you know. If you have never witnessed the flag retreat ceremony we encourage you to go. This is one attraction we wish was a little more crowded. That would make us extremely happy.